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Evaluating the capabilities of behind the meter storage systems

Evaluating the capabilities of behind the meter storage systems

Arizona’s sunshine is legendary, but so are the rising electricity costs that come with keeping your home cool during scorching summers. What if you could take control of your energy use and turn that sunshine into significant savings? With behind-the-meter photovoltaic energy storage systems (BTM PVESS), you can do exactly that.

In this guide we will explore the meaning of behind-the-meter. Its characteristics, challenges residents face in backup storage, and the capabilities of BTM PVESS

What is behind the meter?

Behind-the-Meter (BTM) Energy Storage refers to energy storage systems installed on the customer side of the utility meter, typically at residential or commercial properties. These systems act as personal energy banks, allowing users to store excess energy generated by sources like solar panels. This stored energy can be used when solar generation is low or during power outages, reducing reliance on the grid and potentially lowering electricity bills. By storing energy locally, BTM Energy Storage systems offer increased energy independence and resilience, making them an attractive option for homeowners and businesses seeking to manage their energy usage more efficiently.

Characteristics of BTM BESS

Behind-the-Meter Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) offer several unique features that make them stand out as a versatile and practical solution for residential energy needs.

1. Size and quantity:

The size and quantity of these systems can be tailored to fit individual requirements. Whether you have limited rooftop space or ample room for a larger installation, there are options available to suit your needs.

2. Siting and operation:

The siting and operation of BTM BESS are designed to be user-friendly and efficient. These systems can be installed in various locations around your property, including garages, basements, or outdoors, depending on your preferences and available space. Once installed, they can operate autonomously, optimizing their charging and discharging cycles to maximize energy efficiency and cost savings.

3. Visibility:

BTM BESS are designed with aesthetics in mind. They are often sleek and unobtrusive, blending seamlessly into your home’s design without compromising its visual appeal. This design feature ensures that your energy storage system not only provides practical benefits but also enhances the overall look of your property.

Challenges residents face in backup storage

Challenges homeowners face with backup storage highlight the importance of reliable energy solutions.

1. Heating and cooling loads:

Managing heating and cooling loads, especially during peak demand periods, can strain energy resources. BTM BESS offers a solution by providing stored energy precisely when demand is high, ensuring your home stays comfortable without overloading the grid.

2. Efficiency of equipment:

The efficiency of equipment is paramount for maximizing the benefits of backup storage. High-quality components and regular maintenance are essential to ensure smooth operation and optimal energy savings.

3. Roof area constraints:

Limited roof space for solar panels can be a challenge, but careful planning and sizing can help homeowners make the most of what they have. Properly designed systems can still provide significant benefits, even with constrained space.

4. Power-interruptions conditions:

Power interruptions are inevitable, but having backup power from BTM BESS can be a lifesaver. These systems ensure that you have electricity when you need it most, whether due to grid failures, maintenance, or other issues.

5. Grid reliability:

Dependence on the grid for power can be risky, especially in areas with unreliable infrastructure. BTM BESS provides a more stable energy supply, reducing vulnerability to grid issues and ensuring a reliable power source.

6. Rising climate and wildfire impacts:

With climate change and wildfires becoming more frequent and severe, having a reliable energy source is crucial. BTM BESS can help homeowners weather these challenges more resiliently, providing a reliable source of energy even during challenging environmental conditions.

Capabilities of BTM PVESS

Behind-the-meter photovoltaic energy storage systems (BTM PVESS) are innovative solutions that integrate solar power generation with energy storage capabilities. This integration allows residents to produce and store their own electricity, reducing their dependence on the grid and ultimately lowering their electricity bills. Let’s delve deeper into the key capabilities of BTM PVESS:

1. Bill savings:

By harnessing solar power and storing excess energy during off-peak hours when electricity rates are low, residents can use this stored energy during peak hours when rates are high. This strategy helps residents reduce their overall electricity costs, leading to substantial bill savings over time.

2. Reliability and resiliency:

BTM PVESS enhances the reliability and resiliency of the electricity supply. During power outages or grid failures, these systems can seamlessly switch to backup power mode, ensuring that essential services like lighting, refrigeration, and communication remain operational.

3. Power quality:

BTM PVESS contribute to improving power quality by providing a stable source of electricity. This stability helps reduce voltage fluctuations and enhances the overall reliability of the electrical system, ensuring consistent and reliable power supply.

4. Ancillary services:

These systems can also provide ancillary services to the grid, such as frequency regulation and voltage support. By actively participating in grid operations, BTM PVESS contribute to improving the stability and efficiency of the grid, benefiting all electricity consumers.

5. Transmission and distribution upgrade deferral:

BTM PVESS can help defer the need for costly upgrades to transmission and distribution infrastructure. By reducing peak demand and offering localized power generation and storage, these systems help utilities avoid significant investments in expanding their infrastructure, thereby saving costs and improving efficiency.

BTM PVESS offers a range of capabilities that not only benefit individual residents but also contribute to the overall efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of the electricity grid. As these systems become more widespread, they will play a crucial role in shaping the future of energy management and consumption.

How Sunny Energy can help with BTM PVESS

Sunny Energy, Arizona’s leading solar company, specializes in creating customized BTM PVESS solutions to fit your needs and budget. Our team of experts will assess your energy requirements and design a system that maximizes your energy savings and reduces your reliance on the grid.

1. Expertise in solar and storage

With years of experience in solar power generation and energy storage systems, Sunny Energy has the expertise to ensure that your BTM PVESS system is installed and maintained to the highest standards. Our technicians are trained in the latest technologies and will ensure that your system operates efficiently and effectively.

2. Seamless integration

Sunny Energy will seamlessly integrate your BTM PVESS system with your existing solar power generation system, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment. Our goal is to make the transition to solar energy as smooth and seamless as possible, so you can start saving money on your electricity bills right away.

3. Ongoing support

Sunny Energy provides ongoing support and maintenance for your BTM PVESS system, ensuring that it continues to operate at peak efficiency. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and to address any issues that may arise.

4. Energy independence

By choosing Sunny Energy for your BTM PVESS system, you are taking a significant step towards energy independence. With your own solar power generation and energy storage system, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and enjoy lower electricity bills for years to come.

5. Environmental benefits

In addition to saving money, using solar power and energy storage systems also helps reduce your carbon footprint. By generating your own clean, renewable energy, you are doing your part to protect the environment and reduce the impact of climate change.

With Sunny Energy’s customized BTM PVESS solutions, you can take control of your energy future and enjoy the numerous benefits of clean, renewable energy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you harness the power of the sun to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.


Behind-the-meter photovoltaic energy storage systems (BTM PVESS) offer a host of benefits, including bill savings, improved reliability and resiliency, enhanced power quality, provision of ancillary services to the grid, and deferral of costly transmission and distribution upgrades. These capabilities make BTM PVESS a compelling solution for residents looking to reduce their electricity costs, increase their energy independence, and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

Sunny Energy, as a leading Arizona solar company, we can help you harness the power of BTM PVESS to achieve your energy goals. With our expertise in solar power generation and energy storage systems, Sunny Energy can design and install a customized BTM PVESS solution tailored to your specific needs and budget and is truly the best solar company in Arizona.

Their team of experienced professionals will guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to system installation and ongoing maintenance. By choosing the Arizona solar contractors Sunny Energy, you can benefit from their commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, ensuring that your BTM PVESS system performs optimally for years to come.

Together, with Sunny Energy, you can take control of your energy future, reduce your reliance on the grid, and enjoy the numerous benefits of behind-the-meter photovoltaic energy storage systems.

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